Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Daily Routine

It is week four of the 52 week photo challenge, and this weeks theme is, "My Daily Routine." Well...routine is something that tends to be non existent in my life. Some people have everything planned out with lists, habits, appointments and so on, me on the other hand...I am a different story. Sure I do some of the same things everyday; eat, brush my teeth, shower, let the dog out, go to work etc, but when I do them throughout the day or how many times tends to be up in the air (except work of course). One thing however that I have been attempting to add to my tentative "daily routine" is time to walk and either write or read everyday. What has allowed me to be fairly consistent about this is all of the neat places I have found that I didn't even know existed or never had the time to stop. One of these places is Adams Park.  For years I have driven by this place and for one reason or the other, I have never stopped. So today I finally did!

So it is at Adams Park that I photographed what my "daily routine" would hopefully look like.

Enjoy! If you wish to follow along on the 52 week photo challenge here is the link to My Four Hens Photography!

A Little Piece of Me

It is week three of the 52 week photo challenge I am following from M4H Photography! If you would like to check out her website or follow along yourself, here is the link:


This weeks subject was, a little piece of me. When I was in my first photography class we had a self portrait assignment similar to this but we weren't aloud to use ourselves just something that represents us. So, again I decided to use things and place to help show you a glimpse of what I am about. When I wish for some peace and solitude the first place I have gone for years is Point White dock.

Bainbridge Island tends to be a very gray and forested area. This is one of the parks on the island that is wide open to the sky and prone to the ever so rare sun breaks. So naturally this is the setting in which I chose to photograph. For an artist who loves to write, what you chose to write on can always be...a little unexpected. As a photographer I love to mix objects that don't belong, one of my favorites being things that represent consumerism with the natural world. I combined all of these things together and came up with this:

I hope you enjoyed this little piece of me!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Close to my heart...

Gender roles are constantly being taught to us, even more so then in the past, due to the mass amounts of media that we are fed everyday. As a woman I have always been particularly interested in how these affect us and what we can do to challenge ideals that create a negative self image. So as my second quote I choose one by, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, "Well-behaved women seldom make history."

As inspiration for my photograph I took vintage objects that women would have been expected to wear in order for them to be considered a "proper woman". These items consisted of a tulle skirt, leather gloves and a pearl necklace. In contrast to the traditionally considered feminine objects I added more masculine items, such as; a thermal shirt, work boots and pants. By putting these objects together it created the nostalgic feeling of being a young girl playing dress up, while also allowing me to question what the affects of "feminine" may be and what restrictions that may put on the women of today.

I chose this particular place to photograph due to its daring landscape. When I first saw the shoreline I felt as if it was daring me to cross the precarious path onto the cutout of receding land. Since the quote calls for women to question what they stand for, I thought it would be a perfect parallel.

Rockaway Beach, Shore Access 

I hope you enjoyed the second quote, look for more to come!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Little Inspiration...

Pinterest has become a new addiction for me, something I check when I get home along with e-mail and Facebook. Sometimes I even find myself in mid conversation, relating life to things I saw on Pinterest. So it is no surprise that I have pinned MANY ideas and one of them being a category of quotes, or how I have stated it, "good sayings". In an attempt to actually use ideas that I have seen on Pinterest, I have decided to give myself a challenge. I am going to take quotes and try to convey them with photography. The first quote that I chose was;

"One of the hardest parts of life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder." Unknown

As an attempted optimist I went for ideas of a person walking down a path or at a crossroads and standing still trying to decide. But then in came the pessimist and before I knew it, I began brain storming ideas of abandonment, loneliness and walking away. I decided on something in between.

Blakely Harbor is a place full of history that has been left to stand still and literally let time wash it away, which is why it makes it the perfect place to convey moving on or trying to fix what is broken. 

52 Weeks of Photos!

Well it is week 2 in the 52 week photo challenge! This weeks word was FRESH. When I first started to  brainstorm ideas involving fresh, I thought of fruit and water. What is more refreshing then fruit right? As an art student when I think about fruit my brain goes to still lives and unfortunately that is just something I can not get super excited about, so I moved on to my second idea; water. The idea of running water and rain is very refreshing and calming, so when I was at the beach last I tried to convey the silent beauty of the tide washing away the rocks.

I was not satisfied with just one photo this time around so while at work I happened upon a beautiful sunset and began to take pictures. The end of a day is the start of a fresh day and with that hopefully a fresh, clear and calm mind. If I ever feel the need to be calm or refreshed, watching the sun set or rise will defiantly do the job. 

If you wish to join the 52 week photo challenge you can find the link here: http://myfourhensphotography.com/photographers/category/project-52/

Well winter has finally hit the Pacific Northwest, giving us frozen mornings and some beautiful sunny days. Due to the lack of sunshine that tends to shine on the good old Seattle area (turning us into mole people), my mom and I decided that we should get out and take walks more often. On this particular occasion I brought along my camera and then proceeded to stop every minute or so and take a photograph or two along the waterfront.

For this walk we chose the beautiful Poulsbo waterfront.

The Pacific Northwest is an amazingly beautiful place to live and I am always reminded of that when I find amazing things when I least expect it. 


Getting out and taking pictures of things that catch my eye is my favorite way to photograph, so I encourage everyone to get out and have fun with their camera, you'll never know what you come up with!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


One week down and fifty one more to go! This weeks theme was RESOLUTION. I began brainstorming by looking up the exact meaning. I got results such as; resolve, action, determination and tenacity...as I expected it didn't get me far. As I began thinking about what resolution means to me, I got ideas more like; starting fresh, clarity, open mind and letting go. Because writing is my way to let go and clear my head, it is writing I would be using as my main subject to photograph. I began my photo session at Lytle beach, one of the many shore access on the Island.

I took several objects that are very personal to me and arranged them in a...controlled yet random way. Then I positioned myself carefully (laying stomach down in the sand) and let the tide wash them away. Here is what I came up with and I hope you enjoy them!

(These photographs are property of Frog Rock Photography and not for re-use, Thank You!)

Friday, January 4, 2013

52 Weeks of Photos

It has been seven months now since I stopped my life as a student and began as some sort of adult in the so called real world. Well here I am and I have decided that I need more assignments to keep me focused! I suppose that twenty years (give or take) of training as a student is hard to break. So when one of my fellow, recently graduated photographer friends (RGPF) decided to follow a photo challenge I decided, "hey...why not?!" It was then that I was pointed to the blog of M4H (my four hens) photography. So, starting today and for the next fifty two weeks I am hoping to be greatly inspired! If you wish to join me here is the link!

M4H Photography